The Regulator of Social Housing
The Regulator of Social Housing
One Housing is a registered provider with The Regulator of Social Housing, therefore bound by their standards.
Page 5 of the "Tenant_Involvement_and_Empowerment_Standard.pdf" below, states:
2.2.3 Where registered providers are proposing a change in landlord for one or more of their tenants or a significant change in their management arrangements, they shall consult with affected tenants in a fair, timely, appropriate and effective manner. Registered providers shall set out the proposals clearly and in an appropriate amount of detail and shall set out any actual or potential advantages and disadvantages (including costs) to tenants in the immediate and longer term. Registered providers must be able to demonstrate to affected tenants how they have taken the outcome of the consultation into account when reaching a decision.
Based on these standards we at Oval Road Estate would exercise our right to have One Housing demonstrate to affected tenants how they consulted with affected tenants in a fair, timely, appropriate and effective manner; how they set out the proposals clearly and in an appropriate amount of detail and how they set out any actual or potential advantages and disadvantages (including costs) to tenants in the immediate and longer term and how they took the outcome of the consultation into account when reaching a decision.
Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard

List of registered providers
16 June 2020
Page 8
One Housing Group Limited - LH0171 - 23/06/1975