Estate Inspections
June 2020
It has now been a year since One Housing provided on site estate inspections that tenants can attend, this is in breach of their policies and tenancies.
Monday 6th July 2020
The One Housing website -
on the following page:
states the following:
Join our estate inspection walkabouts
We also carry out monthly walkabouts around our estates to keep an eye out for any cleaning, repairs, grounds maintenance and health and safety issues that need to be addressed. We encourage you to join us - it’s really helpful when residents point things out that might have been missed. The inspections take around an hour and you don’t need to commit to coming every month – just when you have some time spare and it’s convenient for you.
To find out when walkabouts are scheduled on your estate, please just give us a call on 0300 123 9966 or email us at

February 2020
NO advanced documentation of the year's INSPECTION SCHEDULE PROVIDED to tenants FOR THE NEW YEAR
Since June 2019, Our housing officers have been taken from us and A very unprofessional and absent Property Management regime put in its place, that has trampled on our TENANCY agreements and one housing policies with total denial of ALL resident participation including SCHEDULED Estate Inspections for tenants to attend.
As a result they have managed to provided even less health and safety service on the communal areas of this estate than ever before.
This puts One Housing in a very compromised legal position and is turning their customers against them, including the ones that had been trying to support the organisation for years.
The 2019 yearly inspection schedules were taken off the notice boards of Oval Road Estate and Gilbeys Yard Estate in July 2019 without any form of consultation, in breach of the tenancy agreement.
They did not even inform tenants that they had done this and have not provided documentation to tenants since.
The property manager states that they have done monthly inspections themselves, as if denying us scheduled participation is of no concern (along with our safety), when it is our legal right. They will not provide a record of their unaccompanied inspections or what, if anything, they have inspected and reported on our behalf, and we have evidence that major issues are not being inspected, reported or resolved. This leads to the conclusion that this representative cannot do their job nor understand One Housing policies or tenancies and is therefore unfit to manage these properties.
Repairs and maintenance are not being done in the communal areas. This property manager is knowingly compromising our safety and putting One Housing further into disrepute.
This is systemic abuse, and evasion of accountability for the services they are contracted to provide.
They cannot be left to their own devices, the new One Housing Property Management has denied basic service and willingly put customers in danger. See report page here
Estate Inspection Programme 2019
2019 January 3 Thursday PM - Done
2019 February 7 Thursday PM - Deferred and done on 11th February with OHG Housing Officer Beverley Castle
2019 March 7 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by OHG
2019 April 4 Thursday PM - Done as scheduled
2019 May 2 Thursday PM - Deferred and done on 14th May with OHG Housing Officer Beverley Castle
One Housing Group Ltd, implements changes to our housing service, management and services, without consultation with affected tenants, which is a major breach of tenancy agreement
2019 June 6 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by One Housing
2019 July 4 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by One Housing
2019 August 1 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by One Housing
2019 September 5 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by One Housing
2019 October 3 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by One Housing
2019 November 7 Thursday PM - Inspection not provided by One Housing
2019 December 5 Thursday PM - 7th consecutive inspection not provided by One Housing
Camden Region Estate Inspection 2019 Dates
"Join our estate walkabouts"
"We also carry out monthly walkabouts around our estates to keep an eye out for any cleaning, repairs, grounds maintenance and health and safety issues that need to be addressed. We encourage you to join us - it’s really helpful when residents point things out that might have been missed. The inspections take around an hour and you don’t need to commit to coming every month – just when you have some time spare and it’s convenient for you. Check out when inspections are taking place in your area: Camden, Isle of Dogs, Berkshire, North region, East region."
What One Housing say about Estate Inspections :
"All One Housing staff have a duty to report any problems seen when visiting estates."
"Estate inspections, including the inspection of playground equipment, will usually take place monthly on all estates and will be conducted by a Housing Officer, Homeownership Advisor or the Estates Services Officer where applicable, a resident, and a caretaking supervisor where available."
"Residents will be notified of estate inspections in good time and encouraged to take part. Residents will be provided with accessible, relevant and timely information about the progress of communal repairs."
"Estate inspections will be graded, recorded and monitored as part of One Housing’s key performance indicators."
Estate Inspection Programme 2018
2018 January 4 Thursday AM - Done, see spreadsheet below, no documentation of inspection or progress of issues raised provided by housing officer
2018 February 1 Thursday AM - Done, see spreadsheet below, no documentation of inspection or progress of issues raised provided by housing officer
2018 March 1 Thursday AM - Deferred by snow, done following 8th, no documentation of inspection or progress of issues raised provided by housing officer
2018 April 5 Thursday AM - We could not have representation at this inspection due to our TRA representative being at court in support of One Housing and the housing officer's inflexibility on when we could conduct the inspection.
2018 May 3 Thursday AM - Kofi Boakye OHG Housing Officer, no documentation of inspection or progress of issues raised provided by housing officer
2018 June 7 Thursday AM - TRA representative is not attending inspections from this date as an official protest of poor implementation of inspections, that are not as per OHG service policy and wasting reps time
2018 July 5 Thursday AM- Cancelled without notice by the housing officer who rescheduled to the following day. Impossible to have a life and try to work with this officer, complaint submitted. Inspection denied to willing participant, depriving the legal right of tenants to a monthly inspection that they can attend.
2018 August 2 Thursday AM - TRA representative unable to attend, due to ASB safety issues and inspections' dates having changed by officer without general notice to estate
2018 September 6 Thursday AM - TRA representative unable to attend, due to ASB safety issues and inspections' dates having changed by officer without general notice to estate
2018 October 4 Thursday AM - TRA representative unable to attend, due to ASB safety issues and inspections' dates having changed by officer without general notice to estate
2018 November 1 Thursday AM - TRA representative unable to attend, due to ASB safety issues and inspections' dates having changed by officer without general notice to estate
2018 December 6 Thursday AM - Done, with new housing officer, preparing report for new year. 2019 Inspection Schedule put up on notice boards
One Housing Group information on estate inspections procedure
Housing Management Estate Services
from the Policy Performance, Improvement & Policy Team:
• To ensure that residents enjoy a safe, peaceful, clean and tidy environment,
• To involve residents in the management and upkeep of their estate.
• To carry out monthly estate inspections of all estates,
• To carry out monthly inspections of the playground equipment on estates,
• To record all estate services issues and monitor the progress of remedial action,
• To widely publicise estate inspections and encourage resident involvement,
• To monitor performance against service standards.
OHG recognises that residents should have the opportunity to be involved in the upkeep of their estate and will encourage involvement from all members of the community.
OHG will listen to the concerns and opinions of residents, address them where possible, and ensure that all residents are informed of the ways in which they can report any problems. Residents can contact the Customer Contact Centre, their Housing Officer, Estate Services Officer, or their Estate Caretaker to report an issue.
All OHG staff have a duty to report any problems seen when visiting estates.
Some estates will have a team of caretakers working to ensure a good service is provided.
Estate inspections, including the inspection of playground equipment, will take place monthly on all estates and will be conducted by a Housing Officer or the Estates Services Officer where applicable, a resident, and a caretaking supervisor where available.
Residents will be notified of estate inspections in good time and encouraged to take part.
Estate inspections will be advertised in the following ways:
• An annual letter will be sent out in December of each year listing inspection dates in advance for the next year.
• Dates will be placed on estate notice boards, in office receptions, in the residents’ newsletter (One Magazine) and on the resident website.
• Notes for notice boards must be drafted in a bright colour with 14 Font (minimum) to aid visibility.
OHG is working with residents to implement Neighbourhood Management Agreements and local estate inspection standards for individual estates.
All caretaking and cleaning issues identified through estate inspections, residents, caretakers, or OHG staff, will be recorded and updated prior to the next inspection.
The Estate Services Officer or Housing Officer must update this information after every inspection and as and when they receive notification of estate services work from the Property Services Department via email, or from direct reports by residents or caretakers.
Information recorded and monitored will include:
• The issue
• Date reported
• The source (estate inspection, caretaker, resident, OHG staff, other)
• Completion target
• Priority
• Action taken
• Date action taken
• Comments (including the reasons for any outstanding targets)
Officers will check their records on a weekly basis and liaise with the Quality & After Care team in the Property Service Department to follow up any issues outside of target.